5 Natural Testosterone Boosters

Testosterone Basics

The hormone testosterone plays an important role in men’s health. For starters, it helps to maintain muscle mass, bone density, and sex drive.

Testosterone production is at its highest in a man’s early adulthood and drops a little bit each year thereafter.

When the body doesn’t produce the right amount of testosterone, the condition is called hypogonadism. Sometimes it’s called “low T” as well.

Men diagnosed with hypogonadism can benefit from testosterone therapy. Therapy isn’t usually recommended, however, if your testosterone levels fall within the normal range for your age.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

It doesn’t get more natural than getting a good night’s sleep. Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that lack of sleep can greatly reduce a healthy young man’s testosterone levels.

That effect is clear after only one week of reduced sleep. Testosterone levels were particularly low between 2 and 10 p.m. on sleep-restricted days. Study participants also reported a decreased sense of wellbeing as their blood testosterone levels dropped.

How much sleep your body needs depends on many factors. Most adults generally need between seven and nine hours per night in order to function well and lead a healthy life.


Lose That Excess Weight

Overweight, middle-aged men with prediabetes are also likely to have low testosterone levels. A study from The Journal of Endocrinology revealed that low T and diabetes are closely linked.

Men who maintain a normal weight have a lower risk of developing full-blown diabetes as well as hypogonadism.


Get Enough Zinc

Men with hypogonadism often have zinc deficiencies. Studies suggest that zinc plays an important part in regulating serum testosterone levels in healthy men.

Eating foods that are rich in this essential nutrient may help. Oysters have a lot of zinc; red meat and poultry do too. Other food sources of zinc include:


  • beans
  • nuts
  • crab
  • lobster
  • whole grains


Adult males should aim to get 11 mg of zinc each day.


Reduce Sugar

Zinc isn’t enough to ensure you’re getting the all the nutrition you need. The human body is a complex system that requires a wide variety of vitamins and minerals for smooth operation.

The Endocrine Society reports that glucose (sugar) decreases testosterone levels in the blood by as much as 25 percent. This was true of study participants whether they had prediabetes, diabetes, or a normal tolerance for glucose.


Get Some Exercise

Show that total testosterone levels increase after exercising, especially after resistance training. Low testosterone levels can affect your sex drive and your mood.

The good news is that exercise improves mood and stimulates brain chemicals to help you feel happier and more confident.

Exercise also boosts energy and endurance, and helps you to sleep better. Fitness experts recommend 30 minutes of exercise every day.


The Bottom Line

Learning that your testosterone is low can be unsettling, but it’s not a reflection of virility or “manhood” at all.


Speak to us about your sexual health needs today via a call or WhatsApp Men’S Health Clinic team today +27 82 487 5965.

7 Myths About Sex We All Believed

7 Myths About Sex We All Believed

For most of us, early understanding about sexuality came from a random mixture of movie scenes, classes at school, and a few vague conversations from adults during our teenage years.

As a result, much of what we know about sex is actually a collection of half-truths and myths. In other areas of life, a few myths are harmless.

But when it comes to sex and reproduction, half-truths can lead to STIs, relational stress, and unexpected pregnancies.

So, today we wanted to tackle common misperceptions about sex and debunk the myths.


Sex Myth #1: Sex burns a ton of calories and can help with weight loss

Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you’re having a ton of sex with its cardio benefit in mind, you’ve believed a false truth. Experts estimate that thirty minutes of sex burns about 85 to 150 calories. So, if your goal was to lose a pound, you’d have to burn about 3,500 calories, which translates into 35 sexual encounters.


Here’s the thing: Most people aren’t having sex for 30 minutes, but closer to five minutes making sex an unreliable and unreasonable weight loss tactic. In fact, the biggest increase in your heart rate and blood pressure during sex only occurs for about fifteen seconds during orgasm. However, things quickly return to normal after that.


Sex Myth #2: You can’t get pregnant while on your period

The truth is, you CAN get pregnant if you have unprotected sex while on your period. While this situation is unlikely, it is very much possible and depends largely on how long your menstrual cycle is. Here’s the science behind it…

Some women have shorter menstrual cycles, which means that their ovulation stage also happens earlier. That, coupled with the fact that sperm can live inside the human body for up to 5 days, means that if the timing is right, sperm could live inside the female body for just long enough to survive the period and fertilize an egg.

If you have period sex, make sure you use a barrier contraceptive like a condom to prevent unintended pregnancy.


Sex Myth #3: All women orgasm during vaginal sex

Studies report that nearly 75 percent of women don’t orgasm through vaginal sex alone. According to another recent study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, almost 37% of women said they need some other sort of stimulation during intercourse to achieve an orgasm. The good news is that clitoral stimulation is a reliable way to stimulate an orgasm for most women.


Sex Myth #4: You can’t get pregnant if you have sex standing up.

It’s a common myth that if you have sex while standing up, gravity while keep the sperm from swimming to the woman’s egg. But the truth is, standing up does nothing to prevent a pregnancy.

When a man ejaculates during vaginal sex, millions of sperm are thrust into your vagina and standing won’t keep the sperm from reaching your egg. Jumping up and down, douching, or rinsing out your vagina after sex also doesn’t prevent fertilization.

Regardless of the sexual position chosen, if you have unprotected sex, there’s a chance you will get pregnant.


Sex Myth #5: Condoms make sex less enjoyable

According to Dr. Logan Levkoff, a nationally recognized health and sexuality expert who works with Trojan brand condoms, this is a huge myth, “Because we have these preconceived notions of what condoms are — thick latex, big, smelly — we perpetuate the message that condoms don’t feel good or condoms aren’t fun. And the reality is that condoms have lower latex odor today and they feel great.”

In fact, a study done at Indiana University found that people rate sex with condoms equally as pleasurable as sex without condoms.


Sex Myth #6: You can’t get pregnant from pre-cum

Pre-cum is a lubricant produced by a gland in the penis and it’s released before ejaculation. While pre-cum doesn’t naturally contain any sperm, sperm can leak into this lubricant periodically.

It’s possible for semen to linger in the urethra after ejaculation and mix with pre-cum on its way out. In fact, a 2016 study by PubMed Medical found mobile sperm present in the pre-cum of nearly 17 percent of its male participants.


Sex Myth #7: If you’re aroused, you shouldn’t need lubricant

The truth is, your level of arousal doesn’t correspond with vaginal wetness, even among younger women. Instead, other elements factor into your need for lubrication, including your monthly cycle, pregnancy, illness, menopause, medications such antihistamines and decongestants. And no—drinking more water won’t help for this one.


For more information on the premature ejaculation treatment available or any sexual health related issues , call or WhatsApp Men’S Health Clinic team today +27 82 487 5965.

5 Ways That Exercise Affects Your Sex Life

If you needed another reason to hit the gym, regular physical activity is shown to have positive effects in the bedroom.

Exercise has plenty of amazing benefits. It improves your memory, prevents disease, and helps manage your weight.

Being active is a potent aphrodisiac for both women and men.

Below I list 5 the benefits of exercise in your sex life


  1. Working out makes you feel sexy.

You know that feeling when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the gym mirror and think, “Damn, I look good!”

Well, that confidence comes with you to the bedroom. Regular exercise helps improve self-esteem.

When we personally like how our bodies look, we’re more likely to want to show them off to our partners.

Being active leads to a more positive body image. This can raise self-esteem and make people feel more sexy, confident, and attractive and thus more likely to engage in sexual activities.

This self-confidence boost comes at any size. If you’re moving your body regularly, you’re on the right track.


  1. Exercise enhances your sexual performance.

As with any form of physical activity, being in good shape helps you perform at your best. A frequency of various intimate activities, the reliability of adequate functioning during sex, [and] percentage of satisfying orgasms.

For women, the perks are similar. Exercise increases physiological sexual arousal in women. This means that after a workout, these ladies are more likely to be turned on than those who haven’t exercised.


  1. Physical activity reduces stress—and stress is a mood killer.

When you’re stressed, your body reacts in many different ways and your libido can suffer as well. Stress causes your body to produce more of the hormone cortisol, which over time can decrease your interest in sex.

Because exercise is known to produce feel-good endorphins and lower cortisol levels, working out reduces stress and, in turn, helps maintain a healthy sex drive.


  1. Working out improves blood circulation.

Cardio exercise is good for getting it on. Aerobic exercise such as vigorous walking, jogging, swimming, or biking improves your circulation. This is a key factor in sexual response – good blood flow also decreases the likelihood of erectile dysfunction for men. Sexual activity is an entire body experience, so it is important to keep muscles, blood vessels, and nerves performing at peak levels.

  1. Strength and flexibility help with sex positions.

If you practice yoga regularly, chances are you’re more flexible than most. This is a good thing if you want to try different positions in the bedroom that are more…acrobatic. When it comes to simply having the body strength to hold certain sexual moves, toned muscles come in handy.


Things to Remember

While exercise affects your sex life positively, too much can have diminishing returns, If an individual is too physically exhausted, generally overworked, or stressed, [they] may not be able to sexually perform at an optimal level.

Plus, how exercise affects your sex life also depends on your age and physical condition.

Sticking to a regimented exercise program has the greatest long-term benefits to one’s sex life. Because just like any other form of physical activity, consistency is key.


Aaptiv exercise workouts and classes are sure to impress. Listen to sample workouts here to see which ones fit your lifestyle the best.

For more information on the premature ejaculation treatment available, call or WhatsApp Men’S Health Clinic team today +27 82 487 5965.

premature ejaculation

7 Home Remedies For Premature Ejaculation

Unsurprisingly, men often feel frustrated and anxious when they climax sooner or have orgasms earlier than their partner wish.

However, many people prefer not to discuss premature ejaculation due to shame and stigma, even though research shows that 1 out of 3 men may experience this condition.

The good news is that there are several home remedies for premature ejaculation, such as supplements, natural remedies, and sexual techniques.

In this blog post we list 7 home remedies to cure premature ejaculation.

Lets dive into it.


  1. Dietary changes

A huge factor in our reproductive and general health is our diet. According to research, integrating foods rich in zinc and magnesium into your diet can help improve the time it takes you to climax.

Examples of such foods are oysters, garlic, peas, and dark chocolate. In addition, magnesium plays a critical role in muscle function, while zinc plays a vital role in increasing testosterone levels, thus boosting libido and endurance.


  1. Nutritional Supplements and Herbal Medications

Male sexual problems and erectile dysfunction can arise due to nutritional deficiencies in zinc, magnesium, and other nutrients. Thus, supplements and herbs with these essential nutrients can provide relief from the problem while increasing ejaculation time and reducing acquired premature ejaculation.

Also, ayurvedic medicines and other rejuvenating herbs are filled with the needed minerals and vitamins to improve sexual health.


  1. Pause-squeeze technique

The pause-squeeze technique is an effective home remedy that some doctors recommend. It works by reducing arousal before the climax.

When you sense that you are close to orgasm, take a break from the activity, and either you or your partner should squeeze the end of the penis, just below the head.

Hold the squeeze for several seconds, so the urge to climax passes. After that, the technique can be repeated as needed. However, when using this method, you have to communicate with your partner to ensure you have the correct timing when pausing.


  1. Stop-Start Technique for Orgasm Control

A popular technique is known as edging, or the stop-start approach, is one remedy that has helped many men gain better orgasm control. It is similar to the pause-squeeze technique.

Once you’re at the peak of arousal and feel close to ejaculating, you can virtually postpone ejaculation by stopping your sexual activity immediately. Then once you feel less stimulated, you can start again. Repeating the process can help you can complete ejaculation control.


  1. Mental Distraction

Mental distraction is one of the simplest remedies to try, but it has proven effective for many men, especially when the cause is a psychological factor such as anxiety.

The technique works by forcing your focus on thoughts unrelated to sexual activity, such as daily chores, math, weather, etc. It is beneficial when you feel close to reaching orgasm or too turned on.


  1. Pelvic Floor Exercises

When the issue stems from a physical reason, strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can improve your performance in bed. For example, a urologist study proved that pelvic floor exercises such as Kegels could help men with lifelong premature ejaculation by controlling their ejaculatory reflex.

Also, a strong pubococcygeus muscle increases the time it takes to climax. Furthermore, this remedy option is cost-effective and reduces the effect of treatments involving local anesthetics, topical creams, and PDE5 inhibitors.


  1. Masturbation

Masturbating is controversial concerning premature ejaculation. Some believe that it is a contributing factor. However, it may help delay ejaculation hours before penetration, and an earlier sexual release will quickly decrease the urge to climax. Thus, it can reduce the threshold of arousal necessary for orgasm.

For more information on the premature ejaculation treatment available, call or WhatsApp Men’S Health Clinic team today +27 82 487 5965.

Premature Ejaculation Photo

7 Ways to Last Longer In Bed – Premature Ejaculation

Most men and their partners wish that they could last longer in bed. Finishing early or earlier than the partner may cause frustration and disappointment.

The main cause of this is a condition is call Premature Ejaculation or Early Ejaculation.

Below we list 7 ways that you can do to help you last longer in bed.


  1. Reduce Stress

Premature Ejaculation is usually a psychological issue. When one gets too sexually stimulated, that is when the man cannot control his ejaculation. One way is to distract yourself from the stimulation by thinking of mundane things like mathematical calculations or tomorrow’s grocery list.


  1. Control techniques

There are a few exercises or techniques that you can apply to prevent early ejaculation. For example.


  1. a) The stop and squeeze technique:

Just before ejaculation, withdraw and squeeze the head of the penis. You need to do this at the right time as squeezing too late will still result in ejaculation.


  1. b) Withdrawal technique:

Just before you feel like ejaculating, you withdraw your penis to immediately remove the sexual stimulation. This is not as effective as the one above and you would also have to withdraw at the right time and not a second too late.


  1. c) Stop and start:

You or your partner stimulate your penis until you feel like you’re going to have an orgasm. Stop the arousal for about 30 seconds or until the feeling passes. Start the stimulation again and repeat three or four more times before you actually ejaculate.


  1. Masturbate before sex

By masturbating 1- 2 hours before sex, it helps to reduce your sexual urge and the urge to ejaculate hence allowing you to last longer. Generally, after one round of ejaculation, you will need a longer time for the second one.


  1. Foreplay is key

Men tend to focus on ejaculation as the only objective of sex. Focus on pleasing your partner and foreplay is a big part of that. With foreplay, it also helps to prolong the duration and heighten the pleasure. Your partner might even get more satisfaction out of this than just penetration. Find out what turns your partner on.

  1. Use condoms

Condoms help to reduce the sensitivity of the penis and hence delay ejaculation. Although most men don’t really like using thick condoms as they might find it difficult to stay aroused or they don’t like how it feels.


  1. Communicate

Talk to your partner. Let her know what you’re going through so that both of you can try out different things that can work to delay ejaculation and prolong sex. This will also promote a better understanding between the two of you and improve your relationship. With better understanding, there will be fewer disappointments or frustrations.


  1. See your doctor – Men’s Health Clinic Johannesburg

If the above still doesn’t help, you should see your doctor and find out if you might have any underlying condition that may cause this issue. If there are any problems like Erectile Dysfunction or Diabetes, your doctor will need to treat that first.

Call or whatsapp us on

Now that you’ve got the 7 tips, you can go out there and try it out for yourself and become the best lover you can be between the sheets.

A Whole Day of Eating for Pleasure? Here is what we recommend

Is heating up the bedroom on your calendar tonight? If not, scheduling that may be the first step because being on the same page as your number one is number one, for any relationship.

Or maybe you have a big date tonight with sparks to come, you’re going away for a romantic weekend, or are just looking for a libido boost.

Ain’t nothing wrong with that — but to keep your mind (and hormones) on track, there’s some sex drive-friendly foods that may help.

We have crafted a day’s worth of aphrodisiacs to keep sex on the brain.

Lets jump into it.

  1. Morning start the day with a fruit-filled breakfast

Many fruits ⁠— including avocados, strawberries, and bananas ⁠— are considered to be aphrodisiacs.

Avocados contain high levels of folic acid and B vitamins, which provide the body with plenty of energy and stamina. Bananas also boast energy-producing B vitamins as well as bromelain, a testosterone-boosting enzyme.

For better sex in general, include more apples in your daily diet. Phloridzin, a phytoestrogen found in apples, is thought to promote better arousal, lubrication, and sexual function. Hello, whole new meaning to “an apple a day.”

Try: Avocado toast or a warm bowl of oatmeal topped with apples.


  1. Maca in the morning

Boost your libido with this powerful Peruvian plant. Maca has been shown to improve semen production, increase sexual desire, and regulate hormones.

Studies have proven that this ancient fertility remedy can boost libido, decrease sexual dysfunction, and provide overall mood-boosting and energizing benefits. Sounds like a recipe for an amazing roll in the hay.

Try: Make one of these simple and satisfying maca powder recipes or grab a maca latte to-go.


  1. Seeds and salmon at lunch

When it comes to lunch, think of these three S’s: spinach, salmon, and seeds.

Sexify that sad desk lunch with an omega-loaded and nutrient dense spinach salad. Spinach, a leafy libido booster, is chock full of magnesium which can help promote blood flow and increase arousal.

Top your salad with your favorite veggies, salmon, and seeds (like pumpkin or sunflower). The dopamine-boosting omega-3s in salmon will put you in a great mood, while seeds contain significant zinc (similar to oysters) that help produce important sex hormones.

Try: Top this simple spinach, avocado, and pumpkin seed salad with some smoked or baked salmon.


  1. Spice things up at dinner

It’s not just the bedroom that’s heating up.

For your steamy evening, make a dinner that’s as hot as you. Spicy chili peppers contain capsaicin, the tongue-tingling compound that releases endorphins and adrenaline.

Capsaicin also boosts the metabolism and increases circulation, igniting the “internal engine” to get you in the mood.

Try: Make your own hot chili pepper sauce to use in your favorite noodle, rice, or meat recipes. Reminder: Wear gloves. For the sake of all genitals, wear the gloves.


  1. Unwind with wine and dark chocolate

Cap off the night with a glass of red wine and something sweet.

Antioxidant-rich red wine is linked to better overall sexual health, from boosting the libido to improving sexual function. While you can have a glass or two to get you in the mood, it’s important to drink in moderation — as too much will have the opposite effect.

Pair that vino with dark chocolate, which contains the feel-good chemical phenylethylamine, otherwise known as the “love drug.”

Try: Opt for dark chocolate high in cocao (70 percent or more). Don’t drink? Sip ginseng tea instead.

What if gas want to be part of the play?


When it comes to your pre-romp meal plan, there are a few foods you may want to avoid. These include:

  • gas-producing foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and brussels sprouts
  • excessive alcohol or caffeine
  • processed meats
  • fried foods

Need help with any sexual health issues – weak erection, penis enlargement, low libido call or whatsapp – +27 82 487 5965

sex positions

The 7 Best Sex Positions for Guys With a Small Penis

Not super well-endowed? Don’t worry, with these sex positions, you can still feel like a porn star.

We’ve all heard the old adage: It’s not the size of the wave, but the motion of the ocean that matters.

But figuring out which ocean motion works best for your equipment is key to having the most pleasurable sex possible.

The good news is there are a ton of great sex moves out there for folks who are a little less than well-endowed.

In fact, once you know the best small penis sex positions, we guarantee your motion will be the talk of the sea.

Below we list 7 of those sex position. Lets get right to it.



From the instant clitoral stimulation to how filled up your partner will feel, cowgirl will forever be one of the all-time best sex positions around.

The best part is how intimate the position can be when you’re facing each other and how kinky it can feel in reverse…

Doggie Style

The doggy is a universal favorite for all sizes because it’s easy to master, it gives you a nice view of your partner’s ass, and it leaves your hands free to provide extra clitoral, testicular, or nipple stimulation.

Also you control the speed and pattern of your thrusts for maximum penetration and pleasure.

The Flatiron

The Flatiron

Their hips are in a position that’s more closed than open, there will be greater friction created on their vaginal walls. This means the tighter they squeeze their legs, the more stimulation (and pleasure!) you’ll both feel.


This position is perfect for people with small penises because it’s less about “in and out” penetration and more about “wiggling” around while you’re inside your partner.

Another perk is that it allows for kissing, nipple play, and heavy erogenous zone petting. You can also consider wearing a vibrating cock ring with this position.

The Little Dipper

This position allows for both deep penetration and easy access for clitoral stimulation. The vagina has far fewer nerve endings than the clitoris, which is only intermittently stimulated during most standard intercourse positions.

 Stand and Deliver

This is another position that allows for both deep penetration and manual clitoral stimulation and it’s pretty easy to do whether you’re in the bedroom or on the couch.

Also, if you tend to gravitate toward missionary position, this will feel somewhat familiar while still providing a fuller sensation.

Elevated Reverse Cowgirl

As we already mentioned, cowgirl is *chef’s kiss* for deep penetration when you add in that extra elevation under your hips, your partner is able to sink lower which allows the deep sensations to get even deeper.


for male sexual health issue, call / WhatsApp us on – +27 82 487 5965